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Facing Home and Beyond

Author: Ruth Sabath Rosenthal
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0692013236
Publisher: Paragon Poetry Press, Inc.
Pub. Date: 2011
Price: $16

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal's book Facing Home and beyond bursts with life, teems with her vibrant portraits of grandparent, mother, father, sister, husband, red-clad women, and more. Poems skillfully focus on birth, sex, marriage, aging, loss, death, dreams, while others often rich with humor, center on food and animals (including cows, parrot, porcupine). Dickinson, Yeats, and other great bards inform many of the poems in this book. Here is poetry that throbs with vividly presented human experience. Robert K. Johnson, Consulting Editor, Ibbetson Street magazine --the back cover of the book

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal's poems reach back into the past relating important history, while mindful of the significance of the present. Her work covers a multitude of subjects, each given special attention. I hope you will be, as I was, filled and completely satisfied with Ruth s storm of images. Tammy Nuzzo-Morgan, Suffolk County Poet Laureate -- the back cover of the book.

In Ruth s poems, life is often a riddle or at least a source of puzzlement and paradox. Ruth s keen perceptions help us better comprehend ourselves. We come to see life in a different light enlightenment, that allows us to find and face our own home and go beyond. David B. Axelrod, Laureate and Fulbright Poet --the back cover of the book

Author BIO
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal is a New York City (U.S.) resident and author of numerous needlework "how-to" books; she's also an avid poet whose first chapbook, titled "Facing Home," is due out this summer, published by Finishing Line Press. One of Ruth's poems "on yet another birthday" was nominated for a Pushcart prize in October 2006. 

Other Publication By Ruth Sabath Rosenthal

Facing Home and Beyond

Facing Home and Beyond
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal
ISBN: 978-0692013236



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