
Keep in touch

The Storm Within

Author: Romi Jain
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182532359
Pub. Date: 2011
Price: $14

This is a fascinating novel written with deep passion in a typical poetic and dialogic style. It exposes the deeply rooted evil of the caste oppression in a rigid social hierarchy of India, especially in the rural setting, in which Dalits (suppressed low-caste Hindus) are found on a warpath with Thakurs (feudal lords) in their assertion for self-dignity and social equality. It brings out the finer side of catholicity of Christianity through the character of Robert on the one hand and exposes the inbred social hypocrisy of self-appointed guardians of Hinduism through the characters of orthodox Hindus on the other. The novel reveals the multi-layered storm surging within the heart of a Dalit woman in Bura- an icon of courage and assertion for the Dalit empowerment. More poignantly, it depicts the raging storm in the heart of the royal lady who symbolizes a deep-seated sympathy for Dalits and a profound hatred for the repressive practices of the male members of her own feudal family. The novel is compelling, engaging and exciting spiced with sarcasm and humor. It must attract a general and enlightened readership including NGOs, feminists and social scientists.

Author BIO
Romi Jain

Romi Jain is a poet, novelist and marketing professional. She is currently a Marketing Coordinator in a California-based software company. She did her MBA from San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California. She also holds M.A. and B.A. (Hons.) degrees. Romi has published her debut novel The Storm Within (Indiana, USA, 2008); published poems in International Zeitschrift, Journal of Poetry Society, Poetry Book: A Posy of Poesy; published articles in international encyclopedia(Jefferson, NC,USA: ),McFarland; Asian Profile(Canada); India Quarterly(New Delhi); Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, (Jaipur); and participated in national and international conferences. She had also been a Consulting Editor, Indian Journal of Asian Affairs-an internationally- known journal.

Other Publication By Romi Jain

Poetry! You Resurrect Me

Poetry! You Resurrect Me
Romi Jain
ISBN: 978-8182532175


The Storm Within

The Storm Within
Romi Jain
ISBN: 978-8182532359


Voices of Rocks in the Dusk

Voices of Rocks in the Dusk
Romi Jain
ISBN: 9788182533394



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