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Why I Am Born With Diabetes

Author: Dr. Victor V. Shudin
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8192036311
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2011
Price: $25

All 300 million today’s diabetics wish to know why they are with sugar diabetes. The diabetologists can not answer of this question. But, readers find in this little book true sources of epidemic disease. Scientist did not find yet yesterday to explanation by tendencies of increase frequency of some destructive illness. For example, what provokes to children diabetes in global area? The author of this article leaved out for a global increase a heredity and infection. The children diabetes declared today as autoimmune pathology. The autoimmune reactions in these cases are possible by mutagenic and toxic agents. Which is it? Biologists have noticed for a long time that ugly forms of plants meet in regions where the raised concentration of nickel has found in a ground. Keratitis, cataracts and deformation of joints and hoofs has observed at animals in such provinces. It was been noticed in South Ural and in other regions with a relict or volcanic soil.

Author BIO
Dr. Victor V. Shudin

Victor V. Shudin is an author of books "How to win over allergy" (issued in 2002 year), "Two basic diabetes causes are found!" (2007y.), "Sea Anecdotes, Adventures and Robinzonada" (2008 y.), “Yalta in Philately” (2011), “Global mine with huge ruinous force” (2011, of trans fats).

Other Publication By Dr. Victor V. Shudin

Why I Am Born With Diabetes

Why I Am Born With Diabetes
Dr. Victor V. Shudin
ISBN: 978-8192036311



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