
Keep in touch

Grafitti Dreams

Author: Ayin Adams
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9843261-1-2
Publisher: Keiki O Ka Aina Press
Pub. Date: 2010
Price: $14

As a teacher at Clearview since it was founded over fifteen years ago, I have seen a vast array of students from across the island learn to express themselves through poetry. In this fourth compilation of poetry, the girls have again proven that they have something worthwhile to share. Whether it is inner turmoil or dreams for the future, the girls have searched within themselves and provided us with insight. Under the tutelage of Ayin Adams, the girls were challenged and encouraged to take risks and express individuality, which is not always easy for adolescent girls.

Author BIO
Ayin Adams

Ayin M. Adams, native New Yorker began writing poetry at age five and selling them on her street corner in Brooklyn for twenty-five cents. With much success, she quickly increased her sales to fifty cents as passerbys' enjoyed her work. Winner of the Pat Parker memorial poetry-prize and the Audre Lorde memorial prose-prize. Ayin has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines in the U.S. and U.K. Ayin released two poetry CD's: The Color Of Her Tears and The Woods Deep Inside Me also available in paperback. Ayin holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and believes that everyone has the wherewithal to surpass oneself in life by suiting up, showing up, and following through. She makes her home in Maui, Hawaii.

Other Publication By Ayin Adams

Dawn To Dusk

Dawn To Dusk
Ayin M. Adams
ISBN: 978-81-8253-145-1


Walking Through My Fire

Walking Through My Fire
Ayin M. Adams
ISBN: 81-8253-059-8


Grafitti Dreams

Grafitti Dreams
Ayin Adams
ISBN: 978-0-9843261-1-2


African Americans In Hawai`i: A Search For Identity

African Americans In Hawai`i: A Search For Identity
Ayin M. Adams
ISBN: 978-0-9841228-1-3



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