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Selected Short Stories, Essays...

Author: George Bradford Patterson II
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182530973
Availability: In Stock
Pub. Date: 2008
Condition: New
Price: $14

The stories written by George Bradford Patterson work like a mirror, where humanity in may look at its own face to see what is happening to the soul of human beings. His eye is the sharp eye of an eagle that encloses a panoramic view on reality, making a synthesis where morality is not absent. Attitudes, intentions, wisdom, sincerity, mediocrity and weakness, among many other human virtues and defects, are totally exposed to our incredulous eyes, under the guide of his sharp, privileged mind. Plato taught us that moral values are part of reality as an apple or an edifice, although they remain invisible to our sight. Well, it seems that George is able to see them and even he has developed the ability to teach us how to do it ourselves. He is an experienced professor of English Language, so he is very accustomed to verbally explain actuality to his students. Patiently, he shows us, readers, how to see a city, its personages and its culture, all at a time. Patience is the virtue of Saints, and teachers. After thirty years being an Educational psychologist I use this virtue all the time. Peace is the most important cultural worth, and is perfectly defended and promoted in this book. Culture includes Peace as an acquisition of society. We can define Peace as a cultural value that is the most important one because it leads the human society towards the protection of life. Peace allows life to grow, culture to be developed and systematic and non-systematic education to be forwarded and transmitted. We valuate Peace when it is not updated, when it is absent from a historic period of time in society groups. The lack of peace brings humanity to fear, desperation, annoyance, distrust and isolation. Also it destroys any possibility of philosophic development about cherish of life. George loves Peace as he loves Life. He is a thinker of peace, and a peace maker through literature. He knows very well that peace can be built through literature and art, and throws himself to this adventure: to build a new horizon of peace in this outrageous planet. He is able to teach us one thing: Peace is not possible without Justice. George demonstrates in every word of his extraordinary book that a trip towards Peace must start in Equality. That s the reason why he makes us love India, and at the same time Chile. He needs us to reach the breaking point where all of us are loveable and deservers of justice in the same way. In this book, The Taj Mahal is such a beauty, but also Isla Negra is such a beauty... In this book, all human beings are like round, bright pearls in a deep sea. Is there anything more peaceful than reading a good book of travels like this one? The traveler stories create the illusion of being there. That s the talent of this writer. He makes us feel the essences, the skin of that lady s hand in his one, her enchants and her perfume, that rare perfume... It is one of those books we love to read and reread many times. 

Author BIO
George Bradford Patterson II

George Bradford Patterson II has deserved several times First Prize in Poetry in the monthly Poetry Contest by my institution, since he is a distinguished member of Bilingual MCA, in merit of his unique ability to write outstanding poems in both English and Spanish Languages. I learned to appreciate and even admire his particular style entangled by his non reverential mood to see reality. George is that kind of writer who does not know how to disguise ugliness.

Other Publication By George Bradford Patterson II

Selected Poems of Love, Liberation, & Beauty

Selected Poems of Love, Liberation, & Beauty
George B. Patterson II
ISBN: 978-81-8253-081-2


Selected Short Stories, Essays...

Selected Short Stories, Essays...
George Bradford Patterson II
ISBN: 978-8182530973



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