
Keep in touch

Liquid Sky

Author: Jennifer Gurney
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363541214
Pub. Date: 2025
Price: $15
We find here excellent natural magic of apt words and deep emotions. This is fully revealed in these poems. These poems are quite simple, sweet and satisfying. Each one of these poems is written in beautiful word-pattern and enchanting melody. These poems are certainly passionate creations.
Author BIO
Jennifer Gurney


Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado where she teaches, paints, writes and hikes. Her family, friends and faith are cornerstones of her life and give it depth, meaning and joy. Having grown up in Kalamazoo, Michigan, she loves the water. Having lived in Colorado for more than 30 years, she is in love with the mountains. During the pandemic, Jennifer joined the online group The Daily Haiku and began writing poetry as a way to find optimism in a bleak and uncertain time, connection despite solitude and healing from loss. Recently, she began submitting her poems for publication. She is delighted and humbled that more than 1,000 of her poems have been accepted for publication, finding a home in journals around the world in only a year and a half’s time. Two have won international poetry contests and one was turned into a choral piece for a series of concerts in the Denver area this summer. Her poetry crosses a wide range of form, subject and style, but always with a consistent voice that is honest and authentic, seeking to convey all that is on her mind, heart and soul. Having recently turned 60, she is delighted to have this new part of her life blossom before her eyes.  My Eyes Adjusting is Jennifer’s first book of poetry to be published.


Other Publication By Jennifer Gurney

My Eyes Adjusting

My Eyes Adjusting
Jennifer Gurney
ISBN: 9789363546523


Liquid Sky

Liquid Sky
Jennifer Gurney
ISBN: 9789363541214



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