
Keep in touch

The Odyssey of Amanda Iron Bear

Author: Wayne Adams
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363544222
Pub. Date: 2024
Price: $22

Amanda Iron Bear glanced at her watch. It was 11:30 pm. She would be going home to her bed in 30 minutes. Hooray, she thought to herself.
Even though she only worked from 4 until midnight, 5 days a week during the summer vacation from school, it felt like 24 hours 7 days a week! Oh well, she thought, it's only time.
Amanda worked at the Busy Bee Cafe as a dishwasher. Located in downtown Wolf Point, Montana, it was the most successful restaurant in town.

Author BIO
Wayne Adams

Wayne Adams was born in Tennessee, raised in Texas and now lives the retired dream in North Carolina with his wife Claudia. He served in the United States Army from 1972-1986 and was also a Correctional Officer from 1989 until 2015. He is the father of 4 and the grandfather of 8.

Other Publication By Wayne Adams


Wayne Adams
ISBN: 978-81-8253


Love Messages

Love Messages
Wayne Adams
ISBN: 9788119654437


The Odyssey of Amanda Iron Bear

The Odyssey of Amanda Iron Bear
Wayne Adams
ISBN: 9789363544222



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