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A Normal Life: (Rants and Reflections)

Author: Jim McGarrah
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363540927
Pub. Date: 2024
Price: $17
Jim McGarrah is the author of fifteen books. His poetry and his nonfiction have both won national literary awards. A Normal Life is a selected collection of essays spanning the last decade that have appeared in books, magazines, and on blogs. The essays run the gamut between intimate personal experiences and biting social commentary. A reader will find subjects to think about and stories full of both humor and angst. What does it mean to be human in the 21st century? How have we, as a society, both progressed and regressed at the same time in the last several decades? Is it time for us to consider a national consciousness raising. McGarrah surveys leitmotifs and themes that continue to appear in his work, loss, destruction and distraction, and pathways to hope that make sense of what doesn’t seem to make sense? There is a constant struggle in his narratives between the mythical and the universal that readers will immediately recognize as personal to themselves.
Author BIO
Jim McGarrah

Jim McGarrah is the author of ten books. Running the Voodoo Down won the Elixir Press Poetry Prize in 2003. His newest collection of poems, A Balancing Act, was published by Lamar University Press in November of 2018. A memoir of war entitled A Temporary Sort of Peace (Indiana Historical Society Press) won the national Eric Hoffer Legacy Nonfiction Award in 2010. Blue Heron Book Works published McGarrah’s newest nonfiction book in May, 2017 entitled Misdemeanor Outlaw. His poems and essays have been published in The American Journal of Poetry, Barcelona Review, Bayou Magazine, Cincinnati Review, Collateral, December, Innisfree, North American Review, and Southern Indiana Review among others.

Other Publication By Jim McGarrah

A Normal Life: (Rants and Reflections)

A Normal Life: (Rants and Reflections)
Jim McGarrah
ISBN: 9789363540927



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