
Keep in touch

The Whale’s Alibi: 60 haiku

Author: Alan Summers
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363545656
Pub. Date: 2025
Price: $15

The Whale’s Alibi is the first print-published haiku poetry collection, since 2012, by Japan Times award-winning writer Alan Summers. He is the “Call of the Page” founder, and main mentor: Writing and teaching haiku since the early 1990s. Alan has been nominated for both the Pushcart Prize, and Best Small Fictions award, for his haiku, and haibun.

“Astonishingly moving haiku…”
Yomiuri Shimbun Japanese newspaper (2002)

His haiku 
“...humanises the city.”
Takashi Nonin, Mainichi Daily News of Japan

" are one of the poets I have been most interested in. When I began composing haiku, I studied about English language haiku through your descriptive literature…I love your haiku style.”
Keiko Izawa (Yokohama, Japan)

Author BIO
Alan Summers

Alan Summers

Other Publication By Alan Summers

The Whale’s Alibi: 60 haiku

The Whale’s Alibi: 60 haiku
Alan Summers
ISBN: 9789363545656



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