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Mind of Europe: A Genealogy to The Fat Man

Author: Rich Murphy
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363543478
Pub. Date: 2025
Price: $15

For the inside cover or somewhere in the book

Rich Murphy’s collection, Mind of Europe, time-travels into the past and may act as a sifter for possible insight into our 21st Century liminal times, where liberalism is dead, and fear of a capitalist and technological future reigns. The sometimes-lighthearted re-enactments mirror the thoughts of a host of 20th century European thinkers. The collection of poems could well be described as a séance calling back spirits for commiserating with the Western world today shapeshifting at a threshold. French poet Paul Valery described the “mind of Europe”: “Every mind of any scope was a crossroads for all shades of opinion; every thinker was an international exposition of thought. There were the works of the mind in which the wealth of contrasts and contradictory tendencies was like the insane displays of light in the capitals....”

Author BIO
Rich Murphy


Rich Murphy’s “First Aid” collection will be published by Resource Publications at Wipf and Stock in summer of 2023. Meme Measure, a collection of poems, was published by Resource Publications at Wipf and Stock in 2022. His poetry has won The Poetry Prize at Press Americana twice Americana (2013) and The Left Behind (2021) and Gival Press Poetry Prize Voyeur (2008). Space Craft by Resource Publications at Wipf and Stock also came out in 2021. Books Prophet Voice Now, essays by Common Ground Research Network and Practitioner Joy, poetry by Resource Publications at Wipf and Stock were published in 2020. He has published 14 other collections of poetry.


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Mind of Europe: A Genealogy to The Fat Man

Mind of Europe: A Genealogy to The Fat Man
Rich Murphy
ISBN: 9789363543478



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