
Keep in touch

The Confession

Author: Peter J. Dellolio
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363542501
Pub. Date: 2024
Price: $25

Enclosed for your approval is the Final White draft of Detective Dialogue at one of the ge-neric crime scenes. I’ve written the details so that this scene is not necessarily time-specific. That seemed to be the inference from your last memo. I know that you are still waiting to purchase rights to the killer’s diaries and that is the material we need, obviously, to construct some kind of chronological story.

There is, however, some cut-away material as you’ll notice: the reference to Sgt. Jauntley at another location where a different homicide has occurred. You’ll recall that Jauntley is the detective with the sick interest in victims of extremely violent serial killers. He loves to gaze at the gruesome details and here one of the detectives refers to a telephone call in which a friend of his, a fellow investigator, just informs him that Jauntley has to be removed from the house because the killing is so horrific that even Jauntley cannot endure it without reach-ing the point of nausea and vomiting.

Author BIO
Peter J. Dellolio


Born 1956 New York City.  Went to Nazareth High School and New York University.  Graduated 1978: B.A. Cinema Studies; B.F.A. Film Production.  Wrote and directed various short films, including James Joyces short story Counterparts which he adapted into a screenplay.  Counterparts was screened at national and international film festivals.  A freelance writer, Peter has published many 250-1000 word articles on the arts, film, dance, sculpture, architecture, and culture, as well as fiction, poetry, one-act plays, and critical essays on art, film, and photography.   Poetry collection A Box Of Crazy Toyspublished 2018 by Xenos Books/Chelsea Editions.  He is working on a critical study of Alfred Hitchcock, Hitchcocks Cinematic World: Shocks of Perception and the Collapse of the Rational.  Chapter excerpts have appeared in The Midwest Quarterly, Literature/Film Quarterly, Kinema, Flickhead, and North Dakota Quarterly since 2006.


Other Publication By Peter J. Dellolio

Bloodstream Is An Illusion Of Rubies Counting Fireplaces

Bloodstream Is An Illusion Of Rubies Counting Fireplaces
Peter J. Dellolio
ISBN: 9789395224819


Roller Coasters Made of Dream Space

Roller Coasters Made of Dream Space
Peter J. Dellolio
ISBN: 9788119654406


The Confession

The Confession
Peter J. Dellolio
ISBN: 9789363542501



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