
Keep in touch

Poems About Ancient Greece

Author: Anthony Thomas Voglino
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789363544802
Pub. Date: 2024
Price: $6

The subtle profundities of the poems in the poetry collection is quite remarkable. The delight of these poems proceeds from spontaneous feelings. The poems reveal the depths of human nature. These poems are full of a sweet and majestic rhythm, which satisfies the sense. Due to emotional depth, the intensity and richness of these poems is beyond question. The poems are remarkable in their immediacy and powerful imaginative power. No doubt, these poems reveal ‘incantatory murmur and inspired bursts’.

Author BIO
Anthony Thomas Voglino

Anthony Voglino is a graduate of Boston University, where he received a BA in philosophy. Although he’s a manager for a company that sells medical gases in New Jersey, he has a passion for artistic endeavors and spends a great deal of time writing. He has written play scripts, screenplays, dialogues, novels, books of philosophy, books of short stories, and books of poetry.

Other Publication By Anthony Thomas Voglino

Poems About Ancient Greece

Poems About Ancient Greece
Anthony Thomas Voglino
ISBN: 9789363544802

