
Keep in touch

Immortal Materialism

Author: Kathrine Yets
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119654000
Pub. Date: 2024
Price: $15

Immortal Materialism – is that a contradiction? Or a paradox? In her new book, Kathrine Yets grapples with such questions as she creates poetry from the choices of how to live in this post-Edenic world where, as the concluding poem asserts, “There is just too much / to go back again.” In her vivid images and the music of her well-turned lines, Yets engages with what may be familiar but is too often overlooked. Her poetry helps us to see it in fresh and powerful ways.

— Margaret Rozga, 2019-2020 Wisconsin Poet Laureate, author of 
Holding My Selves Together: New & Selected Poems and other titles.

Author BIO
Kathrine Yets

Kathrine Yets lives in Wisconsin, where she teaches English at various colleges and universities. Her other chapbook The Animal Within will be published by Unsolicited Press. When she is not writing or teaching, she can be found in a park, reading or napping under a tree.

Other Publication By Kathrine Yets

So I Can Write

So I Can Write
Kathrine Yets
ISBN: 9789389690033


iLearn, iTeach

iLearn, iTeach
Kathrine Yets
ISBN: 9789390601554


Immortal Materialism

Immortal Materialism
Kathrine Yets
ISBN: 9788119654000



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