These poems are not traditional Renga but variations designed to preserve the call-and-response structure of the original format within a looser, more open framework. Renga, or “Linked Verse,” originated in Japan during the Twelfth Century. It consists of one set of lines with a general structure of 5-7-5 syllables, followed by an answering set of 7-7 syllables. One poet would compose the 5-7-5 link, then another poet would respond with a 7-7 link, yet another with a new 5-7-5, and so on. It was a communal art form, binding word to word, line to line, stanza to stanza, poem to poem, poet to poet. It was a beautiful culture speaking to itself. |
Author BIO |
Sean Lause |
Sean Lause is a professor of English at Rhodes State College, Lima, Ohio, United States. His poems have appeared in Taj Mahal Review, The Minnesota Review, The Alaska Quarterly, Another Chicago Magazine, European Judaism, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Illuminations and Poetry International. He has published two books of poems, Bestiary of Souls(FutureCycle Press, 2013) and Wakeful Fathers and Dreaming Sons (Orchard Street Press, 2018). His work has received five Pushcart Prize nominations.
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