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Author: Radhey Shiam
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228997
Pub. Date: 2024
Price: $30

Senior haiku writer Radhey Shiam ji has written 'Ramkatha' in the form of 'Haiku'. It is a difficult task to write the entire Ramkatha in 'Haiku'. 'Haiku' is the smallest poem in the world in terms of size, a poem of only seventeen letters and the word 'Ram' is even smaller in term of size, only two letters. (Ra+m), but the scope of Ramkatha is so wide that any one language, any one genre becomes small to describe it. Radhey Shiam ji has done the important work of writing 'Ramkatha' in Haiku by considering it as 'verse'. From this point of view his work is a little different. -Dr. Jagdish Vyom

Some independent haikus of Radhey Shiam ji were also included in the first representative haiku collection in Hindi, 'Haiku-1989'. It is obvious that when such an accomplished haiku writer would have been overwhelmed by Tulsi's 'mind', he would not have been able to stop himself from writing 'Haiku Ramayana'. The story of Ram is such that it drives anyone crazy. But it might not have been that easy. Because Radhey Shiam ji has written these haikus in the Awadhi language in which Tulsi had written Ramcharit manas. –Kamlesh Bhatt Kamal-

Radhey Shiam ji has made an innovative experiment not only in Hindi but in the entire Indian literature by writing the entire Ramkatha in Haiku verses in two parts. From the point of view of imagination, style, craft and nobility, it contains all the characteristics of an extended treatise. The language of the work is Sanskrit and Awadhi. In the beginning, Ram, Ganesha, Shiva, Saraswati, Guru, Ganga, etc. were worshiped under Mangalacharan. In re-singing the Ramkatha written by the great poet Tulsidas, the poet has displayed humility by accepting it as 'leavings'. (page number 200) Book ‘Hindi Haiku Kavita : Parampara Aur Prayog: writer Dr. Prabha Sharma 


Author BIO
Radhey Shiam

Radhey Shiam was born on 14th January, 1922 in a reputed vegetarian Hindu family, in Bareilly Cantonment, U.P. India. He inherited love for literature, Gandhian way of life, universal brotherhood, human religion, love for literature and social service from his parents. He was influenced by Danish saint Mr. Alfred Emanuel Sorensen popularly known as ‘Sunyata’ and American artist-cum-philosopher Mr. E.Brewster both friends to Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Pen and brush continued to enrich his treasure of works, his works in Hindi, Urdu, and English appear in print and online at National and International level. Publications: 'Song of Life' (Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan),  'The Book of Life'( ‘Quotes of Life'(,  and ‘Nature and I’(  have been published in English and ‘Haiku Phaeliyaan’ in two volumes and ‘Haiku Ramayan’ ( in Hindi. He died at 8:00 p.m. 18th April 2015 after a brief spell of illness.

Other Publication By Radhey Shiam

The book of life

The book of life
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9788182536227


Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. I

Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. I
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789388125512


Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. II

Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. II
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789388125529



Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789388319560


Nature and I

Nature and I
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9788182538498



Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9788119228997


Vaidehi (Haiku Uttar Ramayana)

Vaidehi (Haiku Uttar Ramayana)
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789363542013



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