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Poetry without Borders

Author: Germain Droogenbroodt (ED.)
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119654550
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $23

As a poet from a small language area myself, I soon experienced how important translations are. That is why, in 1984, I founded POINT (POetry INTernational), publishing modern international poetry, to do something, however little, for a more human society by translating and publishing poetry from all over the world. POINT published more than 80 collections of modern international poetry. Having moved to Spain, the editor of a magazine asked me to offer every week a nice poem from all over the world with corresponding illustration: Poetry without Borders, originally named The Poem of the Week, was born.

Yearly invited at a dozen important international poetry festivals, I meet important contemporary poets from all over the world, they give me their poetry books or become translators of the project Poetry without Borders.

Year after year the project has become more important and is appreciated worldwide. The poems are meanwhile published in more than 30 languages, including in Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Bosnian, Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kiswahili, Kurdish, Macedonian, Malayan, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sardinian, Serbian, Sicilian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu and Tamil. More than a dozen of international literary magazines and websites publish the poems. One of them has been read 72.000 times at a Chinese website.

The Kurdish poet Hussein Habasch who translates the poems in Kurdish, was the first to publish a book with a large selection of the poems followed by the Romanian translator Gabriela Câlutiu Sonnenberg who realized a publication in Romania by Biblioteca Revistei Curtea de la Arges of the 260 poems I had translated and published before in Belgium and in Holland. Last year, two more collections of Poetry without Borders have been published. One in Hindu in India by the poet- translator Jyotirmaya Thakur and another in Indonesia by poet-translator Lily Siti Multatiliana Sultanniskandar. The Chilean poet-publisher Luis Cruz-Villalobos will publish all the so far 770 published poems and published already a first collection bilingual English-Spanish.The present book, contains poems from all over the world. Not only poems from world famous poets, such as Bertolt Brecht, Ernesto Cardenal, Cesar Vallejo, Eugenio de Andrade, Paul Celan but also poetry of excellent poets from Albania, Austria, China, Chile, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Iran, Kurdistan, Ukraine etc. which never have been translated before in so many languages: a unique collection of great poetry, a poetic bridge between humans of any nationality, race or religion.
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Author BIO
Stanley H. Barkan

STANLEY H. BARKAN is the editor/publisher of Cross-Cultural Communications, a small literary-arts, non-commercial press, which started as in Institute at LIU’s Brooklyn Center in 1971. To date, it has produced some 500 book titles, and 500 broadsides and postcards in 60 different languages, and has organized and participated in numerous university and international poetry festivals, including in Macedonia, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sicily and the United Nations in New York. His own work has been translated into 31 different languages and published in 31 collections, several of them bilingual (Albanian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, Farsi, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Sicilian, Spanish, Urdu). His latest books include, Crossings, translated into Russian by Aleksey Dayen; Brooklyn Poems and Sutter & Snediker (2016); Gambling in Macáu and No Cats on the Yangtze, both translated into Chinese by Zhao Si(2017); and Strange Seasons, translated into Urdu by Naila Hina & Face of Time / Fytra e Kohës,: New & Selected Poems by Stanley H. Barkan, translated into Albanian by Jeto Kelmandi (both 2023). He was the 1991 New York City’s Poetry Teacher of the Year (awarded by Poets House and the Board of Education) and the 1996 winner of the Poor Richard’s Award, “The Best of the Small Presses” (awarded by the Small Press Center), for “25 years of high quality publishing.” In May 2006, he was invited by Peter Thabit Jones, editor of The Seventh Quarry, to be the first solo featured poet at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea, Wales. In 2016, he was awarded “best poet” in China. In 2017, he was awarded the Homer European Medal of Poetry & Art. H. Barkan


Germain Droogenbroodt, was born 11 September 1944 in Rollegem, the Flemish part of Belgium. In 1987 he moved to the Mediterranean artist village of Altea and integrated in Spanish literary life.

Germain Droogenbroodt is an internationally appreciated poet, invited yearly at the most prestigious international poetry festivals. He wrote short stories and literary reviews, but mainly poetry, so far fourteen poetry books, published in 28 countries. He is also translator, publisher, and promoter of modern international poetry. He translated he speaks six languages – more than thirty collections of German, Italian, Spanish, Latin American, English and French poetry, including anthologies of Bertolt Brecht, Mahmud Darwish, Reiner Kunze, Miguel Hernández, José Ángel Valente, Francisco Brines and also rendered Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Korean poetry into Dutch.



Stanley H. Barkan
ISBN: 9788119228676


Poetry without Borders

Poetry without Borders
Germain Droogenbroodt (ED.)
ISBN: 9788119654550



ISBN: 9788119228362



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