Who dis? an unsettled soul set aloft on a high gravity plane...so I'm not really alight, except aflame with sadness, not knowing my child in this world, but also just struggling with 'right' and 'wrong' Jean Valjean style on the daily. & I hold out hope that one day I will at least know my child again. This hope both sustains & frightens me. Sooo, that's a fun dichotomy to handle, too. <3 So here I sit, live & suffer (largely) silently in relatively good condition (so far–am I right?! fingers crossed!). Patient. Biding. Waiting. Struggling. Grappling. Growing. My book Condensed Chronology is poems, ruminations, and attempts at understanding society, 'justice,' and life in general, with content I've written at various times in my life: it's a jumbled, garbled memoirness from my subjective self's perception, through my warped lens, as is the case for all of our perceptual realities. So read it & weep. For futility. love. sadness. fear. bitterness & other undying things. Thanks for viewing my author page on this commercial platform. & never fear, I can send postage paid schizo-style pamphlet if you'd prefer. There's also a free version online, no account required: DM me.