
Keep in touch

YOUR BUDDY: A Childhood Journey

Author: Chris Haley
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228904
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $7

African American Poetry - Photos courtesy of author - “Three Buddies” illustration by Alan Haley

Do You Know Me?

When did it begin,
This fame fixation
Where all we want
Is to be wanted
By those we know
And don’t know - the same.
When did we switch
From mind your business
To mining our personal business
For notoriety and riches
Without any hint of shame?
When did being a Kardasian
Become our 15 minute aim?

"Do You Know Me?" is a thought-provoking poem that reflects on the modern obsession with fame and notoriety. It questions when and how society transitioned from valuing privacy and minding one's own business to actively seeking attention and recognition, often through the sharing of personal information and experiences.

Author BIO

Chris received his Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Maryland, College Park with a focus on Creative Writing. His script for The Studio, which focused on the plight of the homeless, earned an Individual Artist’s Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council in 2001. His script for 2004 RECONCILIATION WALK for SLAVERY and PENITENCE held in Annapolis, Maryland helped garner the Maryland Tourism Council Global Marketing Award for the Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation. Writings include the poetry collections, Obsessions,Until The Right One Comes Along, and the radio play, The Courtship of Jo and Eddie. Several of his letters, speeches and poems have been printed in publications as diverse as Hill Rag, Catholic Library World, Bay Windows, Northwest Gay and Lesbian reader and Playboy magazine. Two of his self-produced, directed, and written short films, The Studio and B&B, debuted in 2005 at the Greenbelt Utopia Film and Video Festival and Annapolis Film Festivals. He was a featured reader of his poems, “An African American Dream of 2018,” and “Four Cherries” at the Literary Hill BookFest 2020 online event. Arlington Magazine writer and Literary Hill BookFest Board Member, Tamar Abrams, said of Haley, “Your voice deserves to be heard!” His next book of poetry, My Mind Has Many Windows, is also slated for publication in 2022. He received the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County 2021 Literary Arts Annie Award. He co-directed, co-produced, and co-wrote the Capital Region Emmy 2021 nominated documentary, Unmarked, on graves and cemeteries of free and enslaved African Americans.

Other Publication By CHRIS HALEY

Fists and Rainbows

Fists and Rainbows
ISBN: 9788182539228


YOUR BUDDY: A Childhood Journey

YOUR BUDDY: A Childhood Journey
Chris Haley
ISBN: 9788119228904


When Did I Know I Was Black?

When Did I Know I Was Black?
Chris Haley
ISBN: 9789363548336


If You Love Me

If You Love Me
Chris Haley
ISBN: 9789363546585



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