
Keep in touch

Strands of Thread: Pastoral Letters from an Upper Room

Author: Cordell Patrick Schulten
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789395224345
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $35

Joseph Twichell was Mark Twain’s pastor throughout his entire life. His correspondence with Twain comprises some of the most poignant pastoral letters ever written for he, as Twain confesses, possessed a pen “that healed.” Such is the ministry of pastoral letters in the tradition begun by the Apostle Paul and continued from those earliest days of antiquity to our modern, and some might say, post-modern, even, post-Christian times.

Author BIO
Cordell Patrick Schulten

Cordell Schulten, MA, JD
Cordell is an adjunct professor of Humanities and Social & Behavioral Sciences at Missouri Baptist University. Prior to this role, he served as the Dean of Students at Valor International Scholars in Anseong, Korea. He has also served as a guest lecturer at L’Abri Fellowship in Korea, a teacher at Heritage Classical Christian Academy and as the English Ministry pastor at the Korean Presbyterian Church in Kirkwood, Missouri. From 2009 through 2014, Cordell taught American Law at Handong Global University in Pohang, Korea. He has also previously taught at both Missouri Baptist University and Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri. Before teaching, he practiced law for ten years. Cordell earned his MA in Theological Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2004 and his JD from Saint Louis University School of Law in 1986. He has also studied Theology & Culture at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Cordell and his wife Sandy have been married for 44 years. They have four grown children and five grandchildren. He is the author of 
Life Abroad @ Handong and Le Chemin: Wholly Following the Path of Jesus.

Other Publication By Cordell Patrick Schulten

Strands of Thread: Pastoral Letters from an Upper Room

Strands of Thread: Pastoral Letters from an Upper Room
Cordell Patrick Schulten
ISBN: 9789395224345



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