
Keep in touch

Piece of Mind

Author: Neal Whitman
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228645
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $15

In 2008 I retired as a professional educator. In transition into retirement, in 2005 I took up a new profession, though not one meant to put bread on table: poetry. I began writing general poetry and added haiku in 2008 and tanka in 2011. This booklet is a selection of my published haibun and tanka prose. I am not going to cover the field and deductively offer an explanation of what each is and their differences. YTHS members and many other readers are, more or less, familiar with both Japanese literary traditions. So, I leave it to readers to uncover inductively their elements. It is said that you can take the teacher out
of the classroom, but you cannot take the classroom out of the teacher.

Author BIO
Neal Whitman

Neal Whitman lives in Pacific Grove, California with his wife, Elaine, where they retired in 2008 as professional educators. On the walkway to their front door is a stone tablet with the words of Henry David Thoreau in Latin: ex Orient lux, ex Occident frux. Indeed, Neal and Elaine grew up on the East Coast and their lives now blossom on the West Coast where his poetry and her photography are inspired by the air, land, and ocean of the Monterey Peninsula. In transition into retirement, Neal took up the writing of general poetry in 2005, adding haiku in 2008 and tanka in 2011. Much of his poetry in all forms has been informed by his work as a volunteer tour docent at poet Robinson Jeffers Tor House in Carmel, bereavement counselor for Hospice of the Central Coast, Monterey, and docent guide at Point Pinos Lighthouse in Pacific Grove. Neal is vice president of the United Haiku and Tanka Society, haiku editor of Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine, and editorial board member of the Revista: Magazine of Romanian-Japanese Relationships.

Other Publication By Neal Whitman

From This Moment On

From This Moment On
Neal Whitman
ISBN: 9789389690385


How Pleasant It Is

How Pleasant It Is
Neal Whitman
ISBN: 9789389690750


My Profession

My Profession
Neal Whitman
ISBN: 9788119228249


Piece of Mind

Piece of Mind
Neal Whitman
ISBN: 9788119228645



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