
Keep in touch

The Story Of the Mesh

Author: Marco Herrigan
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228454
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $15

The poems included in the poetry collection are composed in lucid style. The poet has an excellent ear for rhythm and cadence. After reading all these poems we have a feeling that the style of the poet is precise and elegant.

Author BIO
Marco Herrigan

Marco Herrigan is from Perth, Australia. He has over a hundred publications of poetry and fiction in various literary magazine, ezines and journals from around the world. Edgar Alan Poe and William Blake are his main influences for poetry. Phillip K. Dick is his main influence for fiction.

Other Publication By Marco Herrigan

The Story Of the Mesh

The Story Of the Mesh
Marco Herrigan
ISBN: 9788119228454



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