
Keep in touch


Author: Stanley H. Barkan
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228676
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $17

These poems reveal the poet’s capacity for emotional intensity. Here we notice the magnificent union of form and thought. The chief interest of these poems is the employment of imagery with extraordinary effectiveness. Particularly impressive is attractive diction and admirable phrasing. The style of these poems exhibits crispness and energy devoid of any obscurity. They show the poet’s wide experience of life.

Stanley H. Barkan has, via his individual and highly original poetic voice, explored an impressive range of subjects during his long writing career. It is, though, always a pleasure for the reader when he turns his talents to the subject of Mishpocheh, family. Love is the rudder of these wonderful poems, which are perfectly laced with Jewish culture and traditions. I highly recommend this cohesive and thoroughly engaging collection for its masterly control of language, and its offering of humour and seriousness in works that come directly from the poet’s generous heart.

—Peter Thabit Jones, Welsh poet and dramatist, author (with Aeronwy Thomas)
of the 
Dylan Thomas Walking Tour of Greenwich Village, New York

Author BIO
Stanley H. Barkan

STANLEY H. BARKAN is the editor/publisher of Cross-Cultural Communications, a small literary-arts, non-commercial press, which started as in Institute at LIU’s Brooklyn Center in 1971. To date, it has produced some 500 book titles, and 500 broadsides and postcards in 60 different languages, and has organized and participated in numerous university and international poetry festivals, including in Macedonia, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sicily and the United Nations in New York. His own work has been translated into 31 different languages and published in 31 collections, several of them bilingual (Albanian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, Farsi, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Sicilian, Spanish, Urdu). His latest books include, Crossings, translated into Russian by Aleksey Dayen; Brooklyn Poems and Sutter & Snediker (2016); Gambling in Macáu and No Cats on the Yangtze, both translated into Chinese by Zhao Si(2017); and Strange Seasons, translated into Urdu by Naila Hina & Face of Time / Fytra e Kohës,: New & Selected Poems by Stanley H. Barkan, translated into Albanian by Jeto Kelmandi (both 2023). He was the 1991 New York City’s Poetry Teacher of the Year (awarded by Poets House and the Board of Education) and the 1996 winner of the Poor Richard’s Award, “The Best of the Small Presses” (awarded by the Small Press Center), for “25 years of high quality publishing.” In May 2006, he was invited by Peter Thabit Jones, editor of The Seventh Quarry, to be the first solo featured poet at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea, Wales. In 2016, he was awarded “best poet” in China. In 2017, he was awarded the Homer European Medal of Poetry & Art. H. Barkan

Other Publication By Stanley H. Barkan


Stanley H. Barkan
ISBN: 9788119228676


Poetry without Borders

Poetry without Borders
Germain Droogenbroodt (ED.)
ISBN: 9788119654550



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