
Keep in touch

VOL. 9 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2010

Volume: VOL. 9 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2010
Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Pub. Date: Dec. 2010
Condition: New
Price: $10

Taj Mahal Review December 2010 issue includes poems, haiku, short stories, artwork, book reviews and several other regular features such as literary facts, immortal sayings  etc. I have been receiving a very large number of articles, poems and short stories for publication in the Taj.  It is not possible to include all authors. But just how is the responsibility of choosing the best writings to be fulfilled?

I try to find out if the author is aware of the latest trends in creative writing? That is why one would notice that some of the artists are influenced by Dada movement.  Dada in literature and paintings is a plea for abolishing logic. Tristan Tzara aptly comments that Dada is "absolute and unquestionable faith in every god that is the immediate product of spontaneity:  elegant and unprejudiced leap from a harmony to the other sphere; trajectory of a word tossed like a screeching phonograph record; to respect all individuals in their folly of the moment."

While selecting haiku, I laid greater emphasis on the poet’s quest for universal truths, and new ideas. "Doubt everything then doubt your doubt" (Anslem Hollo). The truth is that the haiku community should not be enslaved to ‘kigo’ and 5-7-5. There are two basic facts about haiku: 1. The third line should illuminate the first two lines. 2. It would benefit the haiku poets to tire themselves like Sisyphus in quest of a startling truth. This would create ‘haiku moment’:

plum trees blooming

even hell’s gate


            -Issa (1762-1826)

Another interesting fact to share is that the prestigious facebook has a very attractive feature facebook fan club that provides a good opportunity to connect with our friends and well wishers.

I would be failing in my duty if I don’t thank my well-wishers and friends who provided me their full cooperation. I am deeply obliged to the poets, haiku writers and creative artists included in this issue for their kind-hearted support and help in publishing this edition.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.



Author BIO

Other Publication By

VOL. 9 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2010

VOL. 9 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2010
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004



Albert Russo 


Ban’ya Natsuishi (Japan) 


Alan M. Danzis 
Albert Russo 
Andrew McIntyre 
D. R. Prescott 
Eric Tessier    
Francie Aguilera 
Gary Alexander Azerier 
Jack Galmitz 
James Skinner 
Joseph Aprile 
Mei-Li Liu     
Moshé Liba 
Richard Heagy 
Robert Wexelblatt 
Roland Finger 
Rosa Maria DelVecchio 
Stephen E. Shepherd 
Steve Mogg 
Steve Morris 
Victoria L. Weaver 


A. J. Huffman 
Aiswarya T Anish 
Akhil Katyal 
Albert Russo 
Ami Blackwelder 
Andrew Howe 
Andrew J. Madigan 
Cherri Randall 
D Everett Newell 
Deon C. Sanders (Pen: Deno Sandz) 
Ed Bok Lee 
Eric Lee 
Eric Luft 
Floriana Hall 
Fran Shaw 
Frank Mehring 
Girish Kute 
Gopal Lahiri 
Heike Henderson 
Howard Camner 
Ilia Xypolia 
James Piatt 
Jan Oskar Hansen 
Jerome Teelucksingh 
Jerry Tunde Olasakinju 
Jon Stocks 
Joseph A. Burgos Jr. 
Katya Ganeshi 
Larissa Douglass 
Levi James Baldwin III 
Malreddy Pavan Kumar 
Mark A. Murphy 
Mary Etta Metcalf 
Maryse Schouella 
Michael D. Sollars 
R. Joseph Capet 
Rama Krishna Perugu 
Ronja Vieth 
Rose Marie Streeter 
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal 
Scot Lahaie 
Shirley Bolstok 
Suzie Palmer 


Ban’ya Natsuishi 
Bill Cooper 
Bill Wolak
Chen-ou Liu 
John McDonald 
Moshé Liba 
Nola Terrassin 
Sayumi Kamakura 
Suzie Palmer 
Yuko Tange (Japan) 



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