
Keep in touch

The Beach, The Street and everything in between

Author: Joseph A Farina
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228478
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $15

The poems included in this book show a wonderful wealth of original thought. The flights of the poet’s imagination are quite impressive and remarkable. We find here bold and new images. The poet with strong imagination is able to create the song of the soul in these poems.

Author BIO
Joseph A Farina
Joseph A Farina is a retired lawyer in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. drawing from his profession and his sicilian-canadian background, he is an internationaly award winning poet. Several of his poems have been published in  Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, The Wild Word, The Chamber Magazine, Lothlorian Poetry Journal, Ascent, Subterranean  Blue  and in The Tower Poetry Magazine, Inscribed, The Windsor Review, Boxcar Poetry Revue , and appears in many anthologies including:  Sweet Lemons: Writings with a Sicilian Accent,  Canadian Italians at Table, Witness  from Serengeti Press and Tamaracks: Canadian Poetry for the 21st Century. He has had poems published in the U.S. magazines Mobius, Pyramid Arts, Arabesques, Fiele-Festa, and Philedelphia Poets . He has had two books of poetry published— The Cancer Chronicles and The Ghosts of Water Street.

Other Publication By Joseph A Farina

The Beach, The Street and everything in between

The Beach, The Street and everything in between
Joseph A Farina
ISBN: 9788119228478



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