
Keep in touch

The Leading Ladies in My Life

Author: Sharon Waller Knutson
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228324
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $15

"Wolf at the Door" is a short poem that captures a snapshot of family life and the activities surrounding the Girl Scout experience. The poem effectively uses simple and concise language to paint a vivid picture of the scene.

The opening lines set the stage with Mama ironing the Brownie Uniform, symbolizing the passage of time as it is now worn by the speaker's sister. This detail creates a sense of nostalgia and hints at the speaker's growth and progression within the Girl Scouts.

The poem continues with the speaker taking on the role of the cook, preparing "Wolf at the Door" for supper. This dish serves a dual purpose: as a meal for the family and as practice for the upcoming scout weekend campout. This connection between food and scouting activities adds depth to the narrative, emphasizing the speaker's commitment to their role as a Girl Scout.

The mention of Daddy carrying in a big box of Girl Scout cookies introduces another element of the Girl Scout experience: selling cookies door to door. This detail showcases the speaker's involvement in fundraising activities and the support of their family. It also adds a touch of anticipation and excitement to the poem.

Overall, "Wolf at the Door" effectively captures a moment in time, revealing the speaker's connection to their Girl Scout journey and the supportive dynamics within their family. The use of specific details and the concise nature of the poem create a sense of intimacy and authenticity.

Author BIO
Sharon Waller Knutson

Sharon Waller Knutson is a retired journalist who was born in Montana and now  lives in Arizona. She has published ten poetry books including My Grandmother Smokes Chesterfields (Flutter Press 2014,) What the Clairvoyant Doesn’t Say and Trials & Tribulations of Sports Bob (Kelsay Books 2021) and Survivors, Saints and Sinners and Kiddos & Mamas Do the Darndest Things (Cyberwit 2022) and The Vultures are Circling (Cyberwit 2023.) Her work has also appeared in more than 50 journals.

Other Publication By Sharon Waller Knutson

Survivors, Saints and Sinners

Survivors, Saints and Sinners
Sharon Waller Knutson
ISBN: 9788182539136


Kiddos & Mamas Do the Darndest Things

Kiddos & Mamas Do the Darndest Things
Sharon Waller Knutson
ISBN: 9789390601943


The Vultures are Circling

The Vultures are Circling
Sharon Waller Knutson
ISBN: 9789395224727


The Leading Ladies in My Life

The Leading Ladies in My Life
Sharon Waller Knutson
ISBN: 9788119228324


My Grandfather is a Cowboy

My Grandfather is a Cowboy
Sharon Waller Knutson
ISBN: 9788119654130


He Puts on His Poker Face

He Puts on His Poker Face
Sharon Waller Knutson
ISBN: 9789363548398



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