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Feathers on water

Author: Frederick White
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788119228010
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $15

The poems are full of lyrical force and show freshness of style. No doubt, this is a significant work. The poems have great power of observation and originality of imagination. The poems reveal consummate artistry and wealth of imagination and fancy that will certainly appeal to the readers’ own feelings and stimulate their imagination. No doubt, in this poetry collection we find fruitful, varied and memorable poems.

Author BIO
Frederick White

Frederick White has a chapbook entitled White Feathers, published by the Sequoyah Research Center at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock. Other poems have appeared in Moveable Type, Pembroke Magazine, Westwind: The Annual Literary Magazine of Azusa Pacific University, Prince Rupert Daily News, and Haida Laas: Journal of the Haida Nation. He has also published short stories in Lake MagazineStudies in HumanitiesLiterature Today: An International Journal of Contemporary Literature; and Black Magnolias. His manuscript, Welcome to the City of Rainbows, was the co-winner of First Book Awards for Prose from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas, soon to be published. He began a faith journey in 1981 and has kept following the straight and narrow path ever since—leading him from a small island in northwest Canada, to California, Pennsylvania, Mexico, Poland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and England. Greatest accomplishment to date: being husband of Teresa Lee White for 36 years, and father of four children, Elias, Hasia, Aleksander, & Adriela.

Other Publication By Frederick White

Feathers on water

Feathers on water
Frederick White
ISBN: 9788119228010



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