Frederick White has a chapbook entitled White Feathers, published by the Sequoyah Research Center at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock. Other poems have appeared in Moveable Type, Pembroke Magazine, Westwind: The Annual Literary Magazine of Azusa Pacific University, Prince Rupert Daily News, and Haida Laas: Journal of the Haida Nation. He has also published short stories in Lake Magazine, Studies in Humanities, Literature Today: An International Journal of Contemporary Literature; and Black Magnolias. His manuscript, Welcome to the City of Rainbows, was the co-winner of First Book Awards for Prose from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas, soon to be published. He began a faith journey in 1981 and has kept following the straight and narrow path ever since—leading him from a small island in northwest Canada, to California, Pennsylvania, Mexico, Poland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and England. Greatest accomplishment to date: being husband of Teresa Lee White for 36 years, and father of four children, Elias, Hasia, Aleksander, & Adriela.