
Keep in touch


Author: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback (pp: 304)
ISBN: 81-901366-2-3
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, Allahabad, India
Pub. Date: 2003
Price: $15

Voyages by, India, pp. 318 features poets characterized by the iridescent color of imagination and accuracy of observation. They add a new light to what they experience and feel. The poets from Europe and other countries exhibit a simple force and chaste tenderness. Music comes spontaneously to these artists from USA, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Germany, France, Portugal, Japan, India etc. Voyages contains some of the finest lyrics in English; they reveal artistic workmanship. The most striking feature of these poems is a temperament most rich and soft, yet most robust. The variety of poems is not due to the "clash of civilizations." Voyages is a special case; it assimilates poems from diverse nations, and presents a homogenous world of poetry. Several poets of Voyages have been influenced by Ferlinghetti, Ginsberg and Bob Dylan. The publication of world poetry anthologies by Cyberwit makes the real beginning of poetry in English in the new millennium. Voyages is a book for those who love poetry and are endowed with a poetic temperament; it will inspire others to become poets, who alone are the chosen agents of God. A delicate fancy and sublimity, which had largely been a tradition since Shakespeare, is again shown in the Voyages.

Plato aptly comments: "For the poet is a winged and a holy thing, and there is no invention in him until he has been inspired." The poems selected for the Voyages reveal the pulse of the 21st century poets. Poetry alone can make us better persons. According to Sir Philip Sidney, the poet is a better moral teacher than a historian and a philosopher. Poetry is "the center and circumference of knowledge", and the poets are "the unacknowledged legislators of the world." The poems in the Voyages show the subtle sense of mystery, beauty, grandeur of nature, a great interest in humanity, and love for the elemental simplicities of life. We find here not only a wonderful and heightened imagination, but also a rich style and a variety of melodies along with incomparable music.

The question arises how these poets have been able to transcend the hollowness of social system and the terrible storms of violence and terrorism endangering the very survival of mankind. Several poets to escape from the sad dreariness, the fear of 'nuclear winter' and the widespread violence, withdraw "from outer experience to concentrate on the inner." The horrors, the death of beauty, and the maddening strife of the violent crowd compel these poets to search the unknown and the strange things. This creates a beautiful feeling of wonder and mystery in their poems. The most distinguishing feature of the poets in the Voyages is their extraordinary imaginative power. By their intense imagination, they are able to discover the mystery of things. The poems successfully explore the deepest emotions of the soul. Most of the poems in the Voyages reveal a remarkable dreamy grace and subtle suggestion.

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Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 81-901366-2-3



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