
Keep in touch


Author: Janet Kuypers
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789395224864
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $20

This book came together in separate parts about not only current issues in the United States but also other fundamental issues in our lives. After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court and women’s rights were lost in approaching half the U.S., Janet Kuypers (author, college journalism major, and past acquaintance rape workshop facilitator) went into journalism mode to share as many details and insights about the unraveling of the rights of so many people in the U.S. (Part One of this book). During this time, and after losing poets/loved ones to suicide (and reviewing how different countries address suicide), Part Two of this book became about this touchy and intensely personal subject. Precisely because many people rely on religion for their morality, Part Three of this poetry book reflects the first book in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, and Part Four of this poetry book contains select poems reflecting the last book in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Bonus poems also appear between these sections that weave the poetry in this book together to make this (as of 2023 the longest) CyberWit Janet Kuypers poetry collection book complete.

Author BIO
Janet Kuypers

Janet Kuypers was honored multiple years at Carl Sandburg High School and on the Dean’s List and graduating with a Communications degree in News/Editorial Journalism (starting in computer science engineering studies) from the UIUC. She had the equivalent of a minor in photography and specialized in creative writing. A portrait photographer for years in the early 1990s, she was also an acquaintance rape workshop facilitator, and she started her publishing career as an editor of two literary magazines. Later she was an art director, webmaster and photographer for a few magazines for a publishing company in Chicago, and, after getting married, she became a certified minister was was the officiant of a wedding in 2006. This Journalism major was even the finaé featured poetry performer of 15 poets featuring at the 2006 Society of Professional Journalism Expo’s Chicago Poetry Showcase. One of her 2019 Periodic Poetry poems also was a contest winner, announced by Science & Engineering News.

Other Publication By Janet Kuypers

Eternal Never Ending Now

Eternal Never Ending Now
Janet Kuypers
ISBN: 9789390601080


Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Shattering the Glass Ceiling
Janet Kuypers
ISBN: 9788182538870



Janet Kuypers
ISBN: 9789395224864


The Universe is in Your Hands

The Universe is in Your Hands
Janet Kuypers
ISBN: 9789363544550



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