
Keep in touch

The Rhino Narrative

Author: Theodore Worozbyt
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789395224765
Pub. Date: 2023
Price: $15

The poems included in this poetry collection leave no doubt in our minds that the poet has an ardent fancy and emotional intensity.
These poems are intensely and artistically beautiful. The clarity of style and apt phrasing in these poems is remarkable. No doubt, the poems included in the poetry collection reveal a wide experience of life and generous sympathies.

Author BIO
Theodore Worozbyt

Theodore Worozbyt has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Alabama and Georgia Councils for the Arts. His books are The Dauber Wings, Letters of Transit, Smaller Than Death, and Tuesday Marriage Death. His work has appeared widely, in such magazines as Antioch Review, Bennington Review,

Crazyhorse, The Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, New England Review, Poetry, Po&sie and The Southern Review. He teaches at Georgia State University.

Other Publication By Theodore Worozbyt

Echo’s Recipe

Echo’s Recipe
Theodore Worozbyt
ISBN: 9789390601646


The Rhino Narrative

The Rhino Narrative
Theodore Worozbyt
ISBN: 9789395224765



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