
Keep in touch

VOL. 22 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2022

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Pub. Date: June 2022
Price: $20

Warm greetings. Like the earlier issues, this latest edition of Taj Mahal Review is an humble attempt to publish genuine creative writings by authors across the globe. I have done my best to ascertain that the June 2022 edition contains only those authors who cater to the creative appetite of readers all over the world. This latest issue of TMR includes modern and postmodern poems, haiku by international poets, book reviews and many other interesting features. Some of the poems included in this latest edition are romantic in method and style, but it is necessary to add that these poets find it difficult to altogether escape troubled spirit. The fact is that it is not always possible for a creative artist to write about happier aspects of life.

The opening line of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice reveals Antonio’s mysterious melancholy: “In sooth, I know now not why I am so sad.” Matthew Arnold’s poem The Scholar Gipsy (1853) reveals in the following immortal lines: It is very sad to write about death of Ambassador Moshé Liba, retired diplomat, university professor, author and artist. I along with Karunesh Kumar Agarwal express deep condolence to the bereaved family. A highly remarkable fact about him is his intense love for writing poems and reflective essays. He is an immortal poet. In his works, poetry attains its highest power, revealing his individual style and mastery of the English language. Congratulations to Zanzibar-born novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah who won the 2021 Nobel Prize in literature "For his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents”. This is my duty to express my thanks and gratitude to all authors published in June 2022 edition of TMR. I must add that without their kind help this publication would not have been possible. Best Wishes SANTOSH KUMAR, Editor

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VOL. 22 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2022

VOL. 22 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2022
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004



A. McIntyre
Jay Nunnery
Neil Leadbeater
Adelmar Ramírez
Brian Mino 
Bruce Louis Dodson
Catfish McDaris
Cecil Sayre
Chad Norman
Christina E. Petrides
Christopher Clauss
Dave Margoshes
Duane Anderson
Fran Schumer
Frederick White
Gary Beck
George Gad Economou
James Mulhern
Dr. Jeremy Valentine Freeman Ganem
Joe Benevento
Kenneth Pobo
Lee Clark Zumpe
Marlas Yvonne Whitley
Michael Waters
Milene Correia
Nick Boyer
Nolo Segundo
Robert Malouf
Roy J. Adams
Tara Propper
Dr. Tyler Fisher
Bryan Rickert
Charlie Knowlton
Doc Drumheller
John McDonald.
Roy Duffield
Santosh Kumar
Vladislav Hristov
Thomas Riesner
Talking Smack to The Dead
The Wicking of the Broken Heart
Hijack Holiday
Now Entering Alaska Time
The Orphanage
Random Acts
The Gentleman Lion and Other Stories
War in the Twilight
If You Were Here You Would Feel at Home

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