At the same time, another new form of poetry has re-emerged in recent years: rapturous poetry, i.e. “active” poetry which is akin to free prose written in an economical style and format. Rapturous poetry is actually nothing new – even in the English language. I personally consider much of Walt Whitman’s poetry to be “rapturous” in both style and form, as in Whitman’s poem “Poets to come!” from “Leaves of Grass”.
By rapturous I mean “enticing”, “actively engaging” and “transporting”. In this day and age it can be argued that rapture is perhaps more identifiable with a contagious sense of conviction and the power of sentimental persuasion rather than overbearing romanticism, and religious or sensual ecstasy. The drive to live, to create, to experience and to convey one’s feelings, thoughts and experiences in an unfolding and captivating fashion is evident in all who wish to leave their signature upon the annals of history – if even for a brief moment in time. This is the “passion” of the 21st century. It is not necessarily an ego trip, but perhaps an attempt to both justify and verify life itself at a time when the value of human life and nonconformity are increasingly challenged.
There exists a poet in each and every one of us – oftentimes in seclusion, but nonetheless scratching and clawing for release and self-expression. It is to this end that I have written the following poems, dedicated to the poet in us all – wherever and whomever we may be.
Author BIO |
Adam D. Powell |
ADAM DONALDSON POWELL (Norway) is a multilingual author, literary critic, and art photography critic; and a professional visual artist. He has published several literary books (including collections of poetry, short stories, and novellas, two science fiction novels, and essays) in the USA, Norway and India; as well as numerous works in international literary publications on several continents. He writes in English, Spanish, French and Norwegian.
Other Publication By Adam D. Powell |
Adam Powell & Rick Davis
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Adam D. Powell
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Adam D. Powell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-118-5
Adam D. Powell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-103-1
Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 81-8253-058-X
Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 81-8253-028- 8
Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 9788182534032
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