Gabriel Griffin (www.gabrielgriffin.org) poet and writer, the only permanent lay inhabitant of a small Italian island dominated by an enclosed monastery, is founder (2001) and organiser of Poetry on the Lake events on Lakes Orta & Maggiore (poetryonthelake.org). Her poems have been widely prized and published: Temenos Academy Review, Orbis, Scintilla Journal, Private Photo Review, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Art Ascent, Empty Nests (Picador) etc. and in Romanian and Italian. Author: A pilgrimage from Orta to Varallo with Samuel Butler (Wyvern Works 2010), St Giulio’s Isle, (Wyvern Works 2015), various handbooks for use in seminaries at the Venice Biennale, and articles. Her novel The Monastery with Nine Doors won 2nd prize Yeovil 2017.