
Keep in touch

To the Marrow

Author: Diana Cole
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789395224642
Pub. Date: 2022
Price: $12

At the heart of these poems are questions that profoundly affect this poet. She welcomes the, often difficult, conversation. “I write wringing / gist from jettison... I write ‘til the sky is lit, / advancing over the stone walls, singing.” Cole’s heartfelt amazement with whatever she is observing — a heron, a pod of beached whales, a man plowing his field — is her recognition of the beauty, cruelty, mortality, joy and injustice that is part of being of this world.  These encounters with nature and its enigmas help the poet embrace her fears, sorrows and longings and find her place in a larger world. This book sings out with frankness, wisdom and beauty. As Shakespeare so aptly wrote: “the earth has music for those who listen.”

Author BIO
Diana Cole

Diana Cole, a Pushcart Prize nominee, has had poems published in numerous journals including Poetry East, Spillway, The Tar River Review, Cider Press Review, The Public’s Radio 89.3, Friends Journal, Verse Daily, Tipton Poetry Journal, The New Verse News and most recently in The Main Street Rag and Crab Creek Review. Her chapbook, Songs By Heart was published in 2018 by Iris Press. She is an editor for The Crosswinds Poetry Journal and a member of Ocean State Poets whose mission is to encourage the reading, writing and sharing of poetry and to create opportunities for others to find their own voices. Diana is also a stained glass artist. One can view her artwork and other examples of her poems at 

Other Publication By Diana Cole

To the Marrow

To the Marrow
Diana Cole
ISBN: 9789395224642


Between Selves

Between Selves
Diana Cole
ISBN: 9788196202699



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