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Archive Avenue

Author: Aneek Chatterjee
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789395224024
Pub. Date: 2022
Price: $15

These poems aptly show profoundly imaginative power. No doubt, the poet is an adept in the intimate and convincing analysis of emotions. The most striking feature of these poems included in the collection is an easy and natural style which is quite attractive and impressive for the readers. An intense imaginative power in these poems draws its sustenance from the poet dreaming great dreams.

Author BIO
Aneek Chatterjee

Aneek Chatterjee is an Indian poet, currently living in Kolkata. He has been published in poetry journals, literary magazines and e-zines in the USA, Canada, Australia, Mauritius, Philippines and India. His poems have been included in eight anthologies also; -- all published from the USA. Chatterjee has a ph.d. in International Relations; and has been teaching IR and Political Science in leading Indian universities. He authored and edited 9 academic books and a novel titled "The Funeral Procession", besides numerous articles. He featured in the list of "Best Indian Political Scientists with Photos", prepared by an international organization. Dr. Chatterjee also taught at the University of Virginia, USA as a Fulbright Visiting fellow.

Other Publication By Aneek Chatterjee

Seaside Myopia - A Book of Poems

Seaside Myopia - A Book of Poems
Aneek Chatterjee
ISBN: 9789388125253


Unborn Poems and Yellow Prison

Unborn Poems and Yellow Prison
Aneek Chatterjee
ISBN: 9789389074871


Archive Avenue

Archive Avenue
Aneek Chatterjee
ISBN: 9789395224024



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