This is my fourth volume of poetry. The first, Scratches & Deeper Wounds (1996); second, Mechanisms of Desire (2012); third, Winds of Infinity (2016). As the subtitle says, it is an eclectic collection of experimental poems. Poetry seems to be gaining an increase in popularity in recent years, very encouraging, perhaps because of the global internet influence. Much of this work is simply rehashing existing styles and subject matter, these have their place in society of course, however, we need to move forward with literature and experiment with new forms and challenge the status quo, not necessarily in an aggressive, destructive or political way which was characteristic of some avant-garde and neo-avant-garde movements, but in experimental and unique ways. |
Author BIO |
Rob Harle |
Rob Harle is a writer, artist and academic reviewer writing work includes poetry, short fiction539547_100109706812492_994963746_n (1) stories, academic essays and reviews of scholarly books and papers. His work is published in journals, anthologies, online reviews, books and he has two volumes of his own poetry published Scratches & Deeper Wounds (1996) and Mechanisms of Desire (2012). Recent poetry has been published in Rupkatha Journal (Kolkata), Nimbin Good Times (Nimbin), Beyond The Rainbow (Nimbin), Poetic Connections Anthology (2013), Indo-Australian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry (2013) and Rhyme With Reason Anthology (2013).His art practice currently involves digital-computer art both for the web and print.
Other Publication By Rob Harle |
Rob Harle
ISBN: 9789385945458
Edited by Robert Maddox-Harle & Jaydeep Sarangi
ISBN: 9789389690132
Robert Maddox-Harle
ISBN: 9789390601578
Robert Maddox-Harle & Jaydeep Sarangi
ISBN: 9789395224598
Rob Harle
ISBN: 9788119228508