
Keep in touch

as if a caress: New and Selected Poems

Author: j. lewis
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182539105
Pub. Date: 2022
Price: $15

In a world where harshness, violence, and isolation abound, a caress can be the single most surprising and appreciated
gesture. I use the term caress to mean basically any gentle contact made with a hand. This can be a hand on a shoulder, a pat or a rub on the back, a stroke on an arm, laying your hand on another hand, or brushing a cheek. It may occur as we laugh together, cry together, or work together. It is one of the most basic and natural gestures between people.

Author BIO
j. lewis

Jim (j.lewis) is described by his friends as a Renaissance Man, multi-talented, remarkable.

By profession, he is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. By hobby, he is a musician, writer, photographer, and kayaker.

He is the author of five full-length collections of poetry and several chapbooks, as well as the Editor of the online journal “Verse-Virtual.” 

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