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TEMPLE without WALLS: Zen Nam

Author: Richard Weekley
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182539778
Pub. Date: 2022
Price: $15

Throughout history, holy fools such as Ryokan and Mullah Nasruddin have shown humanity that grasping for spiritual attainment is still grasping. It's better to approach life with humor and a focus on the present rather than longing for exalted states of being. Richard Weekley's alter ego, Zen Nam, is a worthwhile addition to this lineage. These haiku-like poems contain the little moments of surprise that leave the reader saying, “Ah!” I'd feel more content if I approached life like Zen Nam.

These poetic aphorisms are like eating peanuts -- you can't stop because they're delicious -- and in this case, not fattening. I smiled, thought, and wondered my way all through Richard Weekley's masterful new distilled observations.
Annie Reiner Poet, Writer, Psychoanalyst

Author BIO
Richard J. Weekley



Richard J. Weekley was born in Grand Junction, Colorado, USA in 1945. He was awarded the Teacher of the Year Award for teaching Creative Writing in the William S. Hart Union High School District in Los Angeles County in 1999. He retired after forty years in 2007 and now devotes his time to writing and his publishing company, Los Angeles Poets' Press. The Literary Review, The MacGuffin, The Midwest Quarterly, Poetry LA, Queen's Quarterly, Wisconsin Review, West Coast Review, Bitterroot, CQ, Crosscurrents, and Pudding are a small sampling of the journals that have published his poetry. He is listed in A Directory of American Poets and Writers compiled by Poets & Writers, Inc., and the winner of various prizes, including Black Bear Publication's International Chapbook Competition. He was featured as a guest poet at Mount Saint Mary's College and California Institute of the Arts, as well as for many coffee houses, literary groups and colleges. He's been a guest on several AM and FM radio programs. With poetry colleague Jerry Danielsen and others, they started and published Volume Number Magazine from 1983 2000, an international literary Magazine featuring luminaries like Octavio Paz and other prominent as well as unknown poets. For years Richard hosted poetry readings and events in his Newhall back yard. Although published internationally in four countries, his counseling his cat Rocky to stop killing birds has had no effect. So he counsels himself not to make shopping lists for insect repellent or toilet paper during Zazen. Richard's Zen teacher tells him Dogan said: "To study Zen is to study the selfto study the self is to forget the self." So far no success. Richard occasionally writes and is published under his pet pen name Zen Nam.

Other Publication By Richard J. Weekley

My Small Journey - An Omnibus of Poetry 1980 - 2019

My Small Journey - An Omnibus of Poetry 1980 - 2019
Richard J. Weekley
ISBN: 9789389074222



Richard Weekley
ISBN: 9789388319331


TEMPLE without WALLS: Zen Nam

TEMPLE without WALLS: Zen Nam
Richard Weekley
ISBN: 9788182539778



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