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Adventures and Misadventures: Short...

Author: Clark Zlotchew
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182539235
Pub. Date: 2022
Price: $15

It was a chilly evening in September. A bitter Atlantic wind drove rain through the streets of Waterville, a seaside village on the Ring of Kerry. Jeff MacNamara, a recent American college graduate on holiday, head bowed against wind and rain, lumbered past the varicolored two-story structures on his right, searching for the Mermaid Inn. Over the roaring of the black and white billows that smashed against the rock-strewn beach to his left, he heard the music. It was a wild and merry tune that surged in patches between the crashes of surf on shore. It made Jeff want to dance. Or run. Or fight. It was a surprisingly strong feeling, yet diffuse, bearing no specific goal. He accelerated his pace.

Author BIO
Clark Zlotchew

Clark Zlotchew is the author of 18 published books, only four of which consist of his fiction:  the book you are now holding in your hands, plus two espionage/thriller novels and an award-winning collection of his short stories, Once Upon a Decade: Tales of the Fifties. Newer work of his has appeared in Crossways Literary Magazine, Baily’s Beads, The Fictional Café and many other literary journals in the U.S., Australia, U.K., Germany, South Africa, Sweden, India, and Ireland from 2016 through 2021.  Earlier fiction of his has appeared in his Spanish versions in Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and the state of Colorado.  Dr. Zlotchew is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Spanish, Emeritus at SUNY Fredonia.

Other Publication By Clark Zlotchew

Eccentric Narrations Stories True and False

Eccentric Narrations Stories True and False
Clark Zlotchew
ISBN: 9788182537859


Adventures and Misadventures: Short...

Adventures and Misadventures: Short...
Clark Zlotchew
ISBN: 9788182539235



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