Injured Roses is a first-time haiku collection by Japanese haiku artist and visual artist Yuko Tange. This short collection of haiku in Japanese and English (in translation) is divided into seven sections. As with most first books, the author has included here a variety of approaches, subjects and subtle style variations. Some of the poems are – in my opinion – of a very high caliber, while others are rather less striking.
I find that the poems that are the most precious to me are those that reveal the mature reflective attributes of the author, and which are less analytical and active. The author has a talent for expressing passive irony in a classical literary sense, which is timeless. I would have preferred to see this book focus upon that particular style of haiku, one on a page with an accompanying work of art by Yuko Tange on the facing page. |
Author BIO |
Yuko Tange |
She was born in Kamakura City in Japan in 1936, graduated from National Saitama University.She has studied haiku under the direction of Ban’ya Natsuishi. Began to contribute haiku to International Haiku Magazine, “Ginyu” in 2002, became a regular contributor to “Ginyu” in 2004. A member of WHA( World Haiku Association). She is also an artist, painter, a member of Japan Artists’ Association and International Association of Art, promoting exchanges between Japanese and foreign artists. She worked as the Chairperson of the Exective Committee of some exhibitions in foreign countries (in Iceland1997&2004, in USA 2006, in Latvia 2008).Currently she resides in Saitama City in Japan.
Other Publication By Yuko Tange |
Yuko Tange
ISBN: 978-81-8253-146-8