
Keep in touch

Joe’s Comments and Observations Volume 1 [2005 – 2014]

Author: Joseph Aprile
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182538733
Pub. Date: 2022
Price: $35

Everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs. Life is often a frightening prospect and the reality of death is never very far from human consciousness. I personally do not believe in a deity that is eternally concerned about our individual personal well-being. We reside, after all, on a miniscule planet revolving about an ordinary star situated in a quite mundane pinwheel galaxy in a colossal universe and are members of an exceedingly flawed and not too spectacular species. Furthermore, I believe that biological death delivers us to the joy molecular and not to some pre-determined heaven or hell. But these are simply my beliefs: it is what I have
concluded from my own personal experience.

Author BIO
Joseph Aprile

Joseph Aprile was born in the Bronx, New York, and is a resident of Seattle, Washington. He has traveled extensively and has incorporated many of his life experiences into his work as all writers inevitably must. Writing has always been an integral part of his existence. He has written and published works in different genres including: poetry, fiction and non-fiction. He has a special fondness for poetry since it is, by nature, evocative of the emotions and succinct in style.

Other Publication By Joseph Aprile

The Illusive Quality of Existence

The Illusive Quality of Existence
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 978-81-8253-085-0


Impaled on Time's Illustrious Arrow (A Book of Poetry)

Impaled on Time's Illustrious Arrow (A Book of Poetry)
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 81-8253-051-2


At the Fringes of Experience

At the Fringes of Experience
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 81-8253-026-1


Awakening from A Distant Dream

Awakening from A Distant Dream
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 81-8253-000-8


Joe’s Comments and Observations Volume 1 [2005 – 2014]

Joe’s Comments and Observations Volume 1 [2005 – 2014]
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 9788182538733



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