
Keep in touch

Nature and I

Author: Radhey Shiam
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182538498
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

Love for literature, painting, ascetic ways of living, a feeling of universal love and compassion determined Radhey Shiam’s (January 1922 –April 2015) true religion for man. Danish saint Mr. Alfred Emanuel Sorensen (known as ‘Sunyata’) influenced him immensely he inconspicuously acknowledges. His brush carried the touch of American artist-cum-philosopher E. Brewster. Dr Satya Bhushan Verma, the father of Indian Haiku motivated him to create Haiku in its native form and it turned a lifelong passion, a kind of obsession, and so was an eminent poet of Haiku that brought him recognition. ‘Song of Life’ and ‘The Book of Life’ in English were Radhey Shiam’s other publications. The present collection of poems ‘Nature & I’ is a fulsome tribute of his son Shri Rama Kant who edited it after the death of his revered poet father Radhey Shiam…indeed memorable it is. He visualizes the spirit of god around and nature appears as the eternal home where soul finds divine asylum even while eternal beauty fulfills ‘the self’, and gradually nature becomes fundamental part of life and existence. Here, he does not differentiate between ‘the self and ‘the nature’ as all activities of natural world appear vividly before eyes and man feels divinely blessed, the artist in poet affirms. Divinity in nature speaks to ‘the self’ in absolute tranquility…and this celebration of nature as the essence of life strengthens faith in existence of god. Indeed, it is a new experience!

p c k prem author, poet and critic, palampur, himachal


Congratulations on the publication of Nature and I. How appropriate an honor for your father and you. Your hard work has paid off by memorializing Radhey in book form,yet again. His works are deserving of this publication and the others you poured your heart and soul into over the years since his passing. I love the tribute card. The verse speaks to me. And the book simple, yet so impactful, soothing as a comforting balm.

So hard to believe it has been almost seven years since Radhey reached greater heights. Time passes swiftly.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your growth as an accomplished writer. editor and book publisher. I've failed you in keeping consistent and timely correspondence, but the older I've become, the less enthusiastic I've become in corresponding via e-mail. It is no fault of yours or any other person's. I hope my delays do not keep you from writing to me, for your e-mails are a breath of freshness in my life.

I will see about purchasing the book and get back to you once received and read. Reading the book will be a great pleasure as I traipse back in time recalling previous reads of the verses so eloquently written. Your father's words of poetic wisdom will raise my awareness of Nature's bounties and our special friendship that I know only you to understand. My heart aches as I write. Tears fall as I recall your father. We had a special bond as lovers of nature and descriptive words. The bond is not broken by death.

With love always for your family and you,

Your sister of distant miles, yet close in heart and soul.

Patricia Spork - Texas USA

Author BIO
Radhey Shiam

Radhey Shiam was born on 14th January, 1922 in a reputed vegetarian Hindu family, in Bareilly Cantonment, U.P. India. He inherited love for literature, Gandhian way of life, universal brotherhood, human religion, love for literature and social service from his parents. He was influenced by Danish saint Mr. Alfred Emanuel Sorensen popularly known as ‘Sunyata’ and American artist-cum-philosopher Mr. E.Brewster both friends to Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Pen and brush continued to enrich his treasure of works, his works in Hindi, Urdu, and English appear in print and online at National and International level. Publications: 'Song of Life' (Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan),  'The Book of Life'( ‘Quotes of Life'(,  and ‘Nature and I’(  have been published in English and ‘Haiku Phaeliyaan’ in two volumes and ‘Haiku Ramayan’ ( in Hindi. He died at 8:00 p.m. 18th April 2015 after a brief spell of illness.

Other Publication By Radhey Shiam

The book of life

The book of life
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9788182536227


Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. I

Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. I
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789388125512


Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. II

Haiku Paheliyaan - Vol. II
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789388125529



Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789388319560


Nature and I

Nature and I
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9788182538498



Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9788119228997


Vaidehi (Haiku Uttar Ramayana)

Vaidehi (Haiku Uttar Ramayana)
Radhey Shiam
ISBN: 9789363542013



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