Nico Vassilakis, born in New York City, is a text and visual poet who engages with letters and typeface structures as his primary material. He manipulates letters to free them of their word scrum. Many of his results can be found online and at his website - STARING POETICS. Nico's work has been shown in visual poetry exhibitions in the US, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Hungary and Chile. He is the author of seven books of experimental and visual poetry, the most recent being VOIR DIRE (Dusie Press 2020). Nico was vispo editor for Coldfront Magazine. He has curated online minivispo anthologies of Finnish, Turkish, and Chilean vispoets. He co-edited The Last Vispo Anthology: Visual Poetry 1998-2008 (Fantagraphics Books 2012). He lives in Greenville, IL with his wife. Some of these poems appeared in The Rusty Toque, OMNIVERSE, Poetry Magazine, Elective Affinities, Queen Mob’s Tea House and Jacket2.