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Million In My Pocket

Author: Wojciech Plocharski
Binding: Paperback (pp: 40)
ISBN: 81-8253-052-0
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: 2006
Condition: New
Price: $7

The title poem "Million In My Pocket" is a profound comment on the creative powers of the 'pen':
            My secret is simple.
            I have a pen.
The psychic drama of the whole Million In My Pocket is enclosed within these two lines. Plocharski's energy, passion and satirical power reveal that he is undoubtedly a powerful force in world poetry, and one of the most individual poets.

Author BIO
Wojciech Plocharski

Wojciech Plocharski. Author of books, literary songwriter, society of authors member, traveller. Author of Polish radio hit 'Klub wesolego szampana' [Chcialabym, chciala...]. Composes contemporary classical music. Reporter, foreign correspondent, news editor, editor-in-chief, new media campaign advisor etc.

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Polvo à Lagareiro

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