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The Nature of Art and The Art of Nature

Author: Roger Moore
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182538238
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $17

The Nature of Art and the Art of Nature was awarded second place in the Alfred G. Bailey poetry book award (WFNB, 2020). When I received an invitation to return to KIRA in January 2021, I started to revise and restructure The Nature of Art with Kingsbrae Gardens and KIRA in mind. This book is the result of that nine-month revision. During that time, I have read and re-read the poems, rewritten them heavily, and altered the book’s structure, enlarging it from 64 pages to its current length.

Author BIO
Roger Moore

No doubt, here in these poems we are impressed by the ease and strength of the rhythm. Several of these poems show the passionate flight of profound imagination. The poems have poignant force of true feeling. All poems are irresistibly powerful.

Other Publication By Roger Moore

On Being Welsh: in a land ruled by the English

On Being Welsh: in a land ruled by the English
Roger Moore
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Stars at Elbow and Foot

Stars at Elbow and Foot
Roger Moore
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The Nature of Art and The Art of Nature

The Nature of Art and The Art of Nature
Roger Moore
ISBN: 9788182538238



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