
Keep in touch

Crow Songs

Author: Jane Ellen Glasser
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182538207
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

In a culture that celebrates youth, CROW SONGS by Jane Ellen Glasser gives voice to life’s last chapter, acknowledging the challenges of aging but also the benefits of leisure to explore the inner life and an aesthetic of beauty that time does not diminish. She discredits the stereotypical image of elderly women, turning a phrase like “old crow” into a trope worthy of contemplation. And she defies picturing the last years as an affliction of loneliness. To Glasser being alone is to be rich in her own company after a life of being responsible for and answerable to others. Glasser does not shy away from looking death in the face to measure the vitality and importance of what years have been given and what years that are left to praise the gift of a long life.

Author BIO
Jane Ellen Glasser

Jane Ellen Glasser’s poetry has appeared in numerous national journals, such as Hudson Review, Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, and Georgia Review. In the past she reviewed poetry books for the Virginian-Pilot, edited poetry for the Ghent Quarterly and Lady Jane’s Miscellany, and co-founded the nonprofit arts organization and journal New Virginia Review.  She won the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry 2005 for her collection Light Persists, and The Long Life won the Poetica Publishing Company Chapbook Contest in 2011. Her more recent collections, The Red Coat (2013), Cracks (2015), In the Shadow of Paradise (2017) and Jane Ellen Glasser: Selected Poems (2019) are available from FutureCycle Press and Amazon.

Other Publication By Jane Ellen Glasser

Staying Afloat during a Plague

Staying Afloat during a Plague
Jane Ellen Glasser
ISBN: 9788194900375


Crow Songs

Crow Songs
Jane Ellen Glasser
ISBN: 9788182538207



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