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Come Walk with Me: Poems reflecting walks around Devon

Author: Annie Jenkin
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182538160
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

When Annie Jenkin averred to me her excitement at the prospect of publishing her first collection of poems, Come Walk with Me: Poems Reflecting Walks Around Devon, I felt her excitement. In fact, the only person who comes close to that same excitement is the writer of this foreword! For approximately five years, Annie and I have worked closely on many of these poems. She has been a regular contributor to the highly regarded online poetry journal, Quill and Parchment. As editor of Q & P, it has been my singular pleasure to observe her maturation as a poet. While I occasionally comment on her work, offering suggestions where I think such are needed, Annie’s development is the singular achievement of her own tenacity and commitment to writing excellence.

Author BIO
Annie Jenkin


Having worked as an emergency nurse, then within a university setting there wasn't a lot of time for poetry until 2014, ever since, her poetry has taken hold. Annie lives in Devon, a beautiful part of the UK. Walking in the countryside, on the moors and by the coastline, triggers her main poetic interest. Annie's poetry has appeared in the Quill & Parchment, Highland Park Poetry and The Avocet, as well as in anthologies produced locally by The Waterfront Writers. 


Other Publication By Annie Jenkin

Come Walk with Me: Poems reflecting walks around Devon

Come Walk with Me: Poems reflecting walks around Devon
Annie Jenkin
ISBN: 9788182538160



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