
Keep in touch


Author: Vaughan Rapatahana
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537743
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $18

Vaughan Rapatahana consistently writes in and is widely published in te reo Maori. It is his mission to continue to do this and to push for a far wider recognition of the need to write and be published in this language.

inaianei/now successfully advances his cause. Much of this book is written in te reo Maori and translated by the author, in his own words, into English. This neatly side-steps the criticism of ambiguity and interpretative issues often launched against translated poetry. The source text and the translation are clearly what the author wants to say in both languages. (Piet Nieuwland)

Author BIO
Vaughan Rapatahana

Vaughan Rapatahana commutes between Hong Kong SAR, the Philippines and Aotearoa New Zealand. He is widely published across several genre in both his main languages, te reo M ori and English. He earned a Ph. D from the University of Auckland with a thesis about Colin Wilson and has written extensively about this writer. He lectured on Wilson at the second Colin Wilson conference in Nottingham, England in July 2018. Rapatahana is a critic of the agencies of English language proliferation in communities which are traditionally not English as first language, inaugurating and co-editing English language as Hydra and Why English? Confronting the Hydra (Multilingual Matters, U.K., 2012 and 2016.) Rapatahana is a poet, with several collections published in Hong Kong; Macau; Philippines; USA; England; France and New Zealand. His Atonement was nominated for a National Book Award in Philippines in 2016; he won the inaugural Proverse Poetry Prize the same year; and was included in Best New Zealand Poets in 2017. He has also written commentaries for Jacket2 (University of Pennsylvania), including a 2015/2016 series and a new series currently in progress. Three new books were planned for early 2019 and two have already been published a collection of his work on Colin Wilson and the first ever collection of Waikato (New Zealand) poets, which he inaugurated and edited.

Other Publication By Vaughan Rapatahana

nga whakamatuatanga/interludes

nga whakamatuatanga/interludes
Vaughan Rapatahana
ISBN: 9789389074413



Vaughan Rapatahana
ISBN: 9788182537743



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