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Eccentric Narrations Stories True and False

Author: Clark Zlotchew
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537859
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

People love a good story. Probably because life is chaotic and messy with no clear cut beginnings or endings except for birth and death. Stories attempt to make sense out of life, and capture a segment of it in a neat, gift-wrapped package, with a beginning, a middle and an end. The narratives in this collection, both the fiction and the true stories, are filled with thrilling adventures. They will lead you to circumstances and locations both exotic and familiar in which you will perceive people,
places and situations in a new light.

Author BIO
Clark Zlotchew

Clark Zlotchew is the author of 18 published books, only four of which consist of his fiction:  the book you are now holding in your hands, plus two espionage/thriller novels and an award-winning collection of his short stories, Once Upon a Decade: Tales of the Fifties. Newer work of his has appeared in Crossways Literary Magazine, Baily’s Beads, The Fictional Café and many other literary journals in the U.S., Australia, U.K., Germany, South Africa, Sweden, India, and Ireland from 2016 through 2021.  Earlier fiction of his has appeared in his Spanish versions in Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and the state of Colorado.  Dr. Zlotchew is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Spanish, Emeritus at SUNY Fredonia.

Other Publication By Clark Zlotchew

Eccentric Narrations Stories True and False

Eccentric Narrations Stories True and False
Clark Zlotchew
ISBN: 9788182537859


Adventures and Misadventures: Short...

Adventures and Misadventures: Short...
Clark Zlotchew
ISBN: 9788182539235



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