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POEMS From Under The EGG

Author: Harvey O’Leary
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537842
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

The poetic thought in these poems is often packed with depth of emotions. The expression and style is quite fluent and spontaneous.

Author BIO
Harvey O’Leary

Since graduating from University College Cork, Harvey O'Leary has been living in London and working as a teacher and education manager. He has written magazine articles, poetry, reviews, short stories, a play, staged at the Battersea Arts Centre, London, and has published two works of fiction, a novel Nidiya and the Children of the Revolution, described as ‘colourful, humorous, poignant and moving’ and a short story collection, Zeno and Lu.

Other Publication By Harvey O’Leary

POEMS From Under The EGG

POEMS From Under The EGG
Harvey O’Leary
ISBN: 9788182537842



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