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Images: A Collection of Ekphrastic Poetry

Author: Michael Escoubas
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537613
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

Images: A Collection of Ekphrastic Poems, is Michael's fifth collection. He has also published one chapbook, Light Comes Softly, two other collections of ekphrastic poems, Monet in Poetry and Paint (2018), Steve Henderson in poetry and Paint (2019), and one book of devotional poems based on the Covid-19 Pandemic, Little Book of Devotions: Poems that Connect Nature, God and Man (2020).

Author BIO
Michael Escoubas

Regarded as something of a late bloomer, Michael Escoubas did not write for publication until after his retirement from a career in the printing industry (2013), at age 66. Prior to this Michael read, studied, and educated himself in poetry for approximately 25 years. Self-taught, his background includes studies in classical poetry, modernist poetry, including the works of Dickinson, Whitman, Stevens, Eliot, Frost and many others. In addition, he has immersed himself in commentary, theory and philosophy of poetry.

Other Publication By Michael Escoubas

Images: A Collection of Ekphrastic Poetry

Images: A Collection of Ekphrastic Poetry
Michael Escoubas
ISBN: 9788182537613


Ripples Into the Light

Ripples Into the Light
Michael Escoubas
ISBN: 9789395224680



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